Fours years ago, a few months into Uni, I managed to secure myself an internship interview to what I considered the most exciting design department on the high-street - Footwear at
River Island. Nervously walking into the interview, I was undecided if mentioning that I just started a fashion blog was going to work in my advantage or vice versa. Little did I know that we were about to walk through the design department where I found pictures of myself on their current mood-boards. Without a doubt one of the most surreal moment of my life so far.
Four years on I could not be more ecstatic to finally announce that I’m teaming up with the first brand that supported me,
River Island to design a range of, you guessed it, high heel shoes! 5 inch and up for River Island will launch in November, in UK stores and online Worldwide, with five exclusive styles. So, before the official lookbook goes live, a little preview of what to expect.
I’m a bit overwhelmed with all the incredible support so far, but I could not be happier! What can I say... Anything is possible, right?